Mining and Chemical Company (MACCOM)

Safety is our first value. It is how we start every shift and every meeting. We believe that all injuries can be prevented. We continue to make the safety of our colleagues and communities our first priority.

We are committed to maintaining zero fatalities, preventing catastrophic events and reducing injuries. We are a learning organisation enabling a safe, responsible and productive business that protects and cares for human life and wellbeing. 

In 2020, we marked a second year in a row of zero fatalities, aligning with our top safety objective. Over the past ten years, both the severity of injuries and our all-injury frequency rate (AIFR) have fallen significantly, from 0.69 in 2010 to 0.37 in 2020. Compared to 2019, our AIFR has improved by almost 12%. But we need to do even better in our overall safety performance and will not be satisfied until we have eliminated all work-related injuries.

In 2019, we introduced the safety maturity model and safety coaching framework. These programmes focus on building strong safety culture and leadership capability through the line. In 2020 we continued to implement these programmes. Our facilities also developed improvement plans and improved their safety maturity despite the pandemic-related challenges faced during 2020. This is supported by fewer injuries and serious incidents in 2020 compared to previous years. Also, our management of catastrophic event prevention continued to mature through embedding of improved standards, assurance and governance processes overseeing our major hazards risks.

In 2022 we will be investing further in the safety and wellbeing of our contract partners who operate and maintain our assets, and build our next generation of world class assets. We will be supporting and developing our operational and project leadership teams to build and sustain a safer, more inclusive and respectful work environment for everyone working on a Mining and Chemical Company (MACCOM) site. We must maintain a fatality-free workplace and we recognise this requires a partnership mindset across our contract partners and the broader industry.

We use automation and robots (like Mark, from Kennecott, Utah) to do some of our high-risk work. And we are focused and committed to strengthening our partnerships with industry and associated committees (eg ICMM), contracting partners and local communities with the priority of learning and sharing to protect everyone’s health, safety and wellbeing.


In 2020, as the pandemic threatened lives and livelihoods, we mobilised to safeguard our employees, contractors and communities, and to keep our operations running.

For example, at our Pilbara iron ore operations, thousands of employees adapted to new rosters and changed fly-in, fly-out travel schedules within a matter of days. Across our business, we implemented measures such as travel restrictions, social distancing, increased personal hygiene, and greater support for employees in areas such as mental health, managing fatigue and adjusting to working from home. Around the world, we also took measures to reduce the risk of transmission from our employees to the remote and vulnerable communities near our operations.