Mining and Chemical Company (MACCOM)

To produce the materials the world needs, we often work in remote locations and sensitive environments. We see ourselves as long-term stewards of natural resources, including land and water, and the ecosystems they support. Wherever we work, we continually partner with Indigenous and local communities to improve our natural resource management practices to minimise our impact on the environment.

Our commitment to understanding and mitigating the risks and impacts our operations may pose to the environment extends from the very beginning of an operation’s life to beyond closure. For example, every year, at the Diavik Diamond Mine, in Canada’s Northwest Territories, we bring together biologists and members from the local Indigenous communities to sample the water and assess the fish. And in Australia, at our Weipa operations in Far North Queensland, we are working with Traditional Owners and Local Aboriginal People to rehabilitate land using ancient seeds to make sure the right plants are grown in the right areas. These plants will be used for medicine, food and ceremonies.

At our managed operations, we apply internal standards and practices that are in line with – and sometimes go beyond – international and local regulations and permits, as well as the requirements of relevant industry associations such as the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM). Our standards clearly articulate what we require from our sites in terms of biodiversity and ecosystem services management, air and water emissions control and waste management. Our assurance processes against these standards, local regulations and international certifications such as Copper Mark and Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI), are one reason our sites are responsible stewards of lands and waters.